New fics on October 14, 2011
- [TDA] Legacy by Fantine_Black (Chapters: 1)
- Rating: PG-13 - Spoilers: PS/SS, CoS, PoA, GoF, OotP, HBP, DH, EPI, QTTA, FB, BB, JKR - 2275 words
Genre: Drama, Angst - Main character(s): Draco, Lucius - Ships: Canon Female Character/Draco - Era: In the nineteen years
Draco jumped up once more, yanked out his wand and thrust it, point upwards, in Lucius’ face. ‘I can still feel them, father,’ he whispered, ‘all those writhing, stinking spells.’ Lucius curled his lips. ‘Then why do you fight them?’
- [AT] Ember to Ember by Anna Fugazzi (Chapters: 7)
- Rating: 15 - Spoilers: PS/SS, CoS, PoA, GoF, OotP, HBP, DH, EPI, QTTA, FB, BB, JKR - 37193 words
Genre: Romance, Slash - Main character(s): Draco, Harry - Ships: Draco/Harry - Era: Harry and Classmates Post-Hogwarts
Sequel to Volunteers, written for the Beltane livejournal community. From one Beltane to the next.